liveonearth (liveonearth) wrote in ronpaul2008,

If you think congress should be able to audit the federal reserve

call to ACTION!!!!


Our battle to Audit the FED has reached a crisis.

Right now, a handful of Fed-loving U.S. Senators, led by Bob Corker (R-TN), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Judd Gregg (R-NH), are reportedly working to rewrite from the Financial Reform Bill to strip out Audit the Fed and actually EXPAND the Fed’s power over banks, lending and money.

I need you to contact your senators today with an urgent message: Audit the Fed and DON'T increase the Fed's power.

As you know, Audit the Fed is currently in H.R. 4173, a financial “reform” package that has passed the House.

The Senate will unveil its version soon, which means you and I have to work fast.

In addition to stripping out transparency and accountability, the Senate version is set to grant the Fed broad NEW powers over our economy by putting the Consumer Financial Protection Agency under the Fed’s purview.

Seriously? The same Fed that won’t tell us where our trillions of dollars went is going to be put in charge of “consumer protection?”

It would be funny if it weren’t so dangerous.

You and I must turn up the heat on the Senate TODAY.

Please contact Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Ron Wyden at once!

Of course, as you know, over two thirds of the House of Representatives, almost a third of the Senate and nearly 80% of the American people support a FULL Audit of the Federal Reserve.

So the establishment has no choice but to attempt to fight us in secret.

That’s why they’re trying every trick in the book to make sure they kill a full-scale Audit of the Fed.

And that’s why it has never been more important that you call Senator Jeff Merkley at 202-224-3753 and Senator Ron Wyden at 202-224-5244 and DEMAND that they withdraw their support for ANY effort to strip the bill of the Audit, and oppose all efforts to grant the Fed more power under the guise of so-called “reform.”

It’s clear that passage of this bill would pretty much guarantee that the FED is never audited, allowing the banksters to continue to rob and loot the American people.

And this sounds like something taken directly out of the Ben Bernanke playbook.

You see, Ben Bernanke and his buddies have been claiming the need for Fed “independence” for some time now.

But what they’re really talking about is independence from accountability...

...Independence to keep printing money out of thin air without any oversight from the American people, further destroying our savings and wiping out the middle class.

That’s why it’s vital you take action IMMEDIATELY.

Please call Senator Jeff Merkley at 202-224-3753 and Senator Ron Wyden at 202-224-5244 and demand that they stand with the nearly 80% of Americans who support a FULL audit of the Federal Reserve.

You and I are now very close to allowing the American people to have the first ever COMPLETE audit of the Federal Reserve, and without your efforts, Ben Bernanke and his cronies would have nothing to worry about.

But I’m afraid if you and I don’t act right away, all of our efforts up until now will be rendered useless.

And that’s something I’m not going to sit idly by and allow to happen.

If we’re going to stop this attempt to gut Audit the Fed, we must act before it’s too late.

So please, right now, call Senator Jeff Merkley at 202-224-3753 and Senator Ron Wyden at 202-224-5244 and demand that they support a FULL audit of the Fed and OPPOSE all attempts to broaden the Fed’s power.

And if you can, please make your most generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty alert millions of Americans to this battle.

But most importantly, please contact Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Ron Wyden TODAY.


John Tate

P.S. Fed-loving Senators are working behind closed doors to strip Audit the Fed out of the Financial Reform Bill while granting the Fed even more power.

That’s why it’s vital you IMMEDIATELY call Senator Jeff Merkley at 202-224-3753 and Senator Ron Wyden at 202-224-5244 and demand they stand with the nearly 80% of Americans who support a FULL audit of the Federal Reserve.

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